Using GEM with Pd

    An important fact is that GEM is NOT an application. It is a library that the application Pd loads in at run-time.  Most of this information is taken directly from the GEM FAQ.

How do I install GEM on IRIX?
How do I install GEM on Win95/NT/2k?
How do I install GEM on linux?
How do I install GEM on macOS-X?
How do I run GEM on IRIX?
How do I run GEM on Win95/NT/2k?
How do I run GEM on linux?
How do I run GEM on linux?
Why doesn't GEM run?

How do I install GEM and Pd on IRIX?

See the readme for installing Pd.

Uncompress and untar the GEM file that you downloaded.  GEM should be located at


depending on where you have installed Pd.

If you run the shell script,, then all of the example files and documention
should be put in the correct locations.

How do I install GEM and Pd on WinNT?

See the readme for installing Pd.

TODO: there should be a install package somewhere

Unzip the GEM file that you downloaded so that it is at


depending on where you have installed Pd.

If you run GEM.INSTALL.bat, then all of the example files and documentation should be put in the correct locations.

How do I install GEM and Pd on linux?

See the readme for installing Pd.

Uncompress and untar the GEM file that you downloaded so that it is at


depending on where you have installed Pd.

chdir into <pd/gem>/src/Gnu

read the

run ./configure and afterwards make

If you run make install, then all of the example files and documentation should be put in the correct locations.

How do I install GEM and Pd on macOS-X?

See the readme for installing Pd.

TODO: there should be a install package somewhere

How do I run GEM on IRIX?

   To use GEM type something like:

/usr/people/mdanks/pd/bin/pd -lib /usr/people/mdanks/pd/gem/Gem

(where /usr/people/mdanks is the path to the pd directory). Check out the README for Pd to see examples of the -lib flag. If you just try to "run" GEM, you will get an error! Notice that last word is a capital Gem. If you get a "can't find gem_setup" error, then that is the problem. Look in the GEM FAQ
for trouble shooting suggestions.

If you don't see startup messages from GEM, then something went wrong.
Also, you might need to add pd/bin to your PATH environment variable.

How do I run GEM on Win95/NT?

    It is best to start Pd from a DOS command line.  If you go to the Start menu, you should find an application called "Command Prompt" under the Program menu.  You need to change to the drive where you installed Pd.  For instance, if it is on your D: drive, just type d: at the prompt.

   To use GEM type something like:

\pd\bin\pd -lib /pd/gem/Gem

depending on where you installed Pd.

    Check out the README for Pd to see examples of the -lib flag. If you just try to double click GEM, you will get an error! Notice that last word is a capital Gem. If you get a "can't find gem_setup" error, then that is the problem. Look in the GEM FAQ for trouble shooting suggestions.

If you don't see a startup message from GEM, then something went wrong.

    Most people use the command shell to start Pd.  It is difficult to configure Pd to run from double-clicking on the icon.

    Also, you might need to add pd/bin to your PATH environment variable.

How do I run GEM on linux?

   To use GEM type something like:

/usr/people/mdanks/pd/bin/pd -lib /usr/people/mdanks/pd/gem/Gem

(where /usr/people/mdanks is the path to the pd directory). Check out the README for Pd to see examples of the -lib flag. If you just try to "run" GEM, you will get an error! Notice that last word is a capital Gem. If you get a "can't find gem_setup" error, then that is the problem. Look in the GEM FAQ
for trouble shooting suggestions.

If you don't see startup messages from GEM, then something went wrong.
Also, you might need to add pd/bin to your PATH environment variable.

How do I run GEM on macOS-X?

   To use GEM type something like: /usr/local/bin/pd -lib /Users/zmoelnig/pd/Gem

(where /usr/local/bin/pd is the path to the pd directory and /Users/zmoelnig/pd is the path where the Gem.pd_darwin resides). Check out the README for Pd to see examples of the -lib flag. If you just try to "run" GEM, you will get an error! Notice that last word is a capital Gem. If you get a "can't find gem_setup" error, then that is the problem. Look in the GEM FAQ
for trouble shooting suggestions.

If you don't see startup messages from GEM, then something went wrong.
Also, you might need to add pd/bin to your PATH environment variable.

Why doesn't GEM run?

    Notice that the -lib flag always requires Unix styles slashes, even if you are on Windows.  This means that you need to do -lib /gem/Gem, not -lib \gem\Gem

    You may also want to use the -nosound flag.  For instance, my PC has problems using audio (it leaks memory), so I just turn off the audio part of Pd.  However, other people can't get GEM to work if the -nosound is used (on Win95).  You can also try the -dac or -adc flags (for digital-analog-conversion only and analog-digital-conversion only).
